Mandatory Operating Equipment
The following equipment is required to operate an OHV in Arizona:
- Brakes
- Eye protection
- Rearview mirror
- Lighted headlight and taillights, if operated between one half-hour after sunset and one half-hour before sunrise
- A muffler or noise dissipating device that prevents sound above 96 decibels
- A United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)–approved spark arrestor device
- For those under 18, a properly fitted and fastened U.S. DOT–approved helmet
Sand dunes and certain areas designated by a land managing agency may require a safety flag. If required, the flag must be at least 6 x 12 inches, attached to the OHV, and fly at least 8 feet above the surface of the level ground.

Safety flags can help prevent accidents when riding on dunes. The flag can remain visible to others even if your vehicle is hidden from view.